Industrial Internship

internshipsCurrent Internships
Supporters at Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi (Genzyme) invite chemistry graduate students to apply for upcoming co-op/intern positions. Several past chemistry students have participated in these programs, and we hope more take advantage. Additional information is available below and applicants are reminded to obtain advisor approval prior to applying.

BTP will be updating this page periodically with new opportunities and deadlines for students to apply to internships. Keep an eye out!

    • Vertex Pharmaceuticals is hiring summer interns! Vertex is targeting some of the world’s most devastating diseases in new and unconventional ways, and, is looking for passionate, innovative, fearless, and collaborative people to join the team. The candidate must be legally authorized to work in the United States, and, must be enrolled in an advanced degree program.
    • Sanofi (Genzyme) is actively seeking applicants for internships across the globe.


In the past students from the Institute of Cellular Engineering, the predecessor of the BTP performed industrial internships with a number of industrial partners including:

Trainees’ Summer 2017 Internships

Trainees’ Summer 2018 Internships

Trainees’ Summer 2019 Internships

Trainees’ Summer 2023 Internships

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