Eligibility & Membership Benefits


2015_HackUMass_js_MG_0548 copyThe Biotechnology Training Program will recruit matriculated predoctoral students from BPT training faculty labs within five degree-granting programs (Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Polymer Science & Engineering, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Molecular & Cellular Biology). Traineeships will typically be awarded to students to support their 2nd and 3rd years of study. Students will complete a prescribed curriculum over two years and may elect to obtain a graduate certificate in Cellular Engineering. All traineeship-supported students will complete an industrial internship, typically of 10-15 weeks duration. US citizens are eligible for NIH-supported traineeships, and all students from BTP labs are eligible for UMass-supported traineeships.

The NIH sponsors pre-doctoral training programs in areas of national need. Recently the NIH established a program targeting the Chemistry-Biology Interface with the intent of training chemists able to speak freely with biologists and vice versa. This was prompted by the growing importance of this area in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, where such communication is increasingly essential. Since NIH training programs are recognized world wide, membership in the BTP Program demonstrates to future employers, that a student has designed his or her training at UMass to match this national need.




Students who want to join the program are welcome to apply any time, by submitting the application

Funding Resources

BTP Training faculty can nominate BTP Program Members for a Traineeship. US citizens and permanent residents are eligible for NIH-funded Traineeships; additional UMass-funded Traineeships are also available. Trainee selection criteria include past performance (undergraduate institution and GPA, GRE scores), progress in the PhD program (grades and research productivity), and commitment to the BTP Program. Due to the limited number of available traineeships, selection is highly competitive.

Trainee nominations are due annually July 24, for Traineeships that typically begin in October. Interested students should join BTP as soon as possible and start following the curriculum. Current BTP Program Members should be sure to submit their annual BTP status report by December 1 every year.